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The most important thing when it comes to choosing a diet that actually works is understanding it does not exist. Yes, you read that right. See, diets have gone from a way of eating to religious cults.
More people than ever are joining these cults, and whether it’s veganism or carnivorism so many are simply hopping on board just to feel part of something... Diets in their definition are made to expire anyway. You’re destined to fail from day one itself. So what should you eat?
Well, the WARKITCHEN philosophy is simple. Human beings are omnivores. We’re top of the food chain. We’re designed with a gut that allows us to consume quite literally everything, as long as it’s prepared properly. This means meat, vegetables, grain, fruit... We can actually have it all.
Reinventing Lifestyle
Tell them food will taste better with butter. Let them appreciate the fruitiness of extra virgin olive oil. Show them how much better you're feeling from the changes you've made. Talk about how new research shows saturated fat isn't actually the enemy. How beef fat is actually GOOD for us. How those "heart healthy" seed oils are actually what's causing inflammation. This will all seem confusing to the average person, so you have to take things slowly. You're literally trying to tell them that everything they've been taught nutrition wise has been a lie their entire lives.
Then propose better options. Gift them jars of coconut oil. Good quality EVOO. Unpasteurized butter. Raw milk. Explain how they can incorporate these fats & oils in their recipes and how it'll make them feel better.
Read the label on their cereals. Biscuits. Snacks around the house. Tell them why these things make them sluggish, how they could try some eggs, honey or healthier snack options with a better ingredients and how it'll make them feel better on the inside.
Interesting Honey Recipes
Honey is one of the oldest ingredients known to mankind. In 1941, there was a cookbook titled "Old Favorite Honey Recipes".
Here are some interesting findings 🍯
Croissant Propaganda
The croissant propaganda will never stop 🥐🥂
We’re Just Getting Started
There is so much more work to be done, ladies & gents. We're glad to have you for the ride 🫡
Thank you for joining us on this beautiful Sunday ladies & gents! Have a wonderful rest of your day, wherever you are in the world 🥂
❋ Read our most recent WARKITCHEN issues:
❋ Get your copy of Optimal Fuel: Your Nutrition Playbook here. It's a cookbook and nutrition guide — all in one. All proceeds goes towards an outrageous amount of hearty ribeyes and raw honey!
❋ If you'd like to contribute an article or sponsor a future issue, simply reply to this email or send us a DM @TheWarKitchen 🤝
God Bless,
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Pioneering the aesthetic culinary revolution