The gifts you gift matter. And what’s better than the gift of health? One of the greatest impacts you can have on those around you (especially close family), is to improve their quality of life in a way they never thought possible. Yes, you can talk to them about the harms of seed oils etc etc, but honestly? It’ll usually go right through them. And NO, you don’t want to run into grandma’s kitchen and throw all her seed oils out… She’s going to hate you and WILL ban you from ever returning. I also guarantee she’ll buy all of it back. What you want to do instead is to offer mini gifts of health. No strings attached.
Sometimes, all it takes for them to start caring about their health is to actually FEEL the tangible benefits of a certain product or supplement. It’s really a gateway drug in that way. You cannot force anyone to do anything. All you can do is guide their hands to topple that first domino.
So what do you get? Well, the possibilities are quite endless, but here are some ideas along with how you can go about phrasing these gifts. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any other suggestions 🥂
BLACK SEED OIL: “Do you frequently get headaches and minor illnesses that never seem to go away? There’s this natural cold-pressed oil that’s said to cure anything but death! I’ve used it for years now and it’s helped me cure these small illnesses almost immediately. It also works as a preventative measure! Some say it’s the oldest antibiotic ever. Try a teaspoon every morning and let me know if you notice a difference :)”
TOPICAL MAGNESIUM: “Still experiencing knee pain? I know rehab is taking a while, but it wouldn’t hurt to give magnesium chloride a shot. Here’s an easy glass spray bottle you could use. Spray about 4 times over your problematic spots and rub it in topically a few hours before bed. If it starts to itch, use fewer sprays or dilute it in even more water. Topical magnesium chloride has been a gamechanger for me”
ORAL MAGNESIUM: “Since we’re talking magnesium, did you know that 75% of people aren’t consuming enough magnesium? Unfortunately for us, due to the depletion of soil over the decades the nutrient quality of food just isn’t as high as it once was. Taking these magnesium glycinate supplements has helped me get deeper, more restful sleep and it aids in general bodily function. Here, I have an extra bottle, remember to take before bed :)”
RAW HONEY: “Dealing with seasonal allergies? Here’s a jar of my favorite raw honey. This one is called Jarrah, and is known to have incredible medicinal properties. Try drizzling some over your scrambled eggs (savory eggs are amazing!)”
BONE BROTH: “I just made this batch of fresh bone broth and it’s honestly one of the most refreshing things to drink. It’s also full of all those nutrients that we aren’t getting these days, with how we only consume lean cuts of meat. I even added some oxtail, marrow bones, leeks, and a whole bunch of fresh herbs and spices. Sip on it in the morning and let me know how you feel :)”
B VITAMINS: “Feeling like you’re always low on energy? Perhaps you just aren’t consuming enough b vitamins from your diet. I’ll try to see if I can get you some more fresh steak and wild caught salmon, but try taking this! It’s the B vitamins we find in our food, and consuming it regularly will give you that extra boost of energy”
GLUCOSAMINE: “Hey grandma, I’ve heard you’re still experiencing joint issues? You know I’ve heard of many people online who take this thing called glucosamine that’s treating osteoarthritis. It’s a compound that’s ALREADY in our bodies, and supplementing it will help to reduce the pain you feel! Take it everyday and you’ll soon notice the benefits :)”
P.S. Sometimes with the older people in your family, all they ever needed to heal and get better from the various illnesses in their lives is just a little love and genuine, warm interaction sent their way. Show them you care. Gift them quality, whole ingredients gifts that actually move the needle. Big up something as simple as a magnesium glycinate. Remember, placebo works and there’s no limit to how far you can go with it.
would say,Emphasize on BENEFITS, not mechanisms. This is behavior change 101. Nobody cares what you want. They care about what THEY want. Put yourself in their shoes. The sheer mental shift of "getting healthy with my grandson" is worth its weight in gold. Optimistic aging mindset is the best longevity protocol. The supplements are a proverbial catalyst to a new healthy lifestyle (and mindset).
If you want more extensive protocols to build a better life for yourself and those around you, I highly recommend checking out Noah’s Health HQ. In a world where there’s not much original content left anymore, the stuff Noah writes is incredibly actionable and very applicable if you read WARKITCHEN:
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Make bread great again
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This honey butter French toast hits… different.
What differentiates this French toast from other recipes is this: burnt butter.

The Leopard. Plein Soleil. The Yellow Rolls-Royce. How many of these films have you seen? Un? Deux? Nul?
If it’s the latter, it’s a shame. Because each of these French-language films stars a legendary actor named Alain Delon. Born in an upscale Parisian suburb in the mid-1930s, Delon became one of Europe’s most acclaimed actors during his career, starring in the titles listed above and many, many more.
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Rest in peace, Alain 🕊️
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Thank you for joining us on this beautiful Sunday ladies & gents 🥂
Great post as usual. I do need to give my parents a health care package with personalized instructions.